Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weekend Warriors

We spent the afternoon in Mountain City, GA watching Greg compete in the Warrior was awesome, words can't even express the high quality people-watching. Greg scaled a wall, ran through mud, under barbed wire and through fire. Ben's favorite part of the day was the shuttle bus ride to and from the parking lot. Greg got a viking hat for his bravery, but due to issues complicated by the Hoffman (plus Todd) Big Head, it only fit Ali, Ben and Katie.

After the Warrior Dash, we stopped by "Goats on the Roof" which appears to be exactly what it sounds like. We plan to go back sometime when it's seems too good to be true.


  1. gosh... the hoffman/graichen clan has way more fun than anyone in the world. congratulations to uncle greg! i'm way impressed with the running through what looked like flaming animal dung. i'm so fascinated by goats on the roof! the kids looked great in the hats. Jod... uh, maybe sans the shades it would be a look. what on earth is uncle greg eating w/that giant beer? goat?

  2. It's a turkey leg...apparently, that's warrior food!
